OK, so I (really) lifted this from a Hallmark card (don’t worry I bought the card and gave it to a friend for her 40th b-day). I loved it. It has a bear riding a tricycle on it. I kid you not…
The Alphabet of Living Right
Appreciate yourself
Bounce on the bed
Create a poem
Declare world peace
Explode a myth
Flabbergast a neighbor (by doing something super nice)
Get up late(r)
Help yourself to seconds
Imagine it, then do it
Jump at the chance
Kindle a flame
Leave your troubles behind
Meet someone new
Nourish your soul
Opt for ice cream
Play all day
Quench your desires
Revel at random
Sing loudly and smile widely
Touch the sky
Uncork the champagne
Watch whatever you want
eXercise your right not to [EF: hmmm. maybe X-ray your intentions would be better or Xerox your something!]
Yearn for the best
Zip, zap, zing and zone out
What is the last completely random thing that moved you?
PS. Don’t forget to check out my Neesh by DAR (ends tonight!) and Liv Lovely giveaways!