Running Helpers: Enhance Running, Teach to Run Plans & More

enhance runningA few weeks ago, Kelly invited me to check out a new workshop that her PT Adam was recently trained on called ENHANCE Running. ENHANCE Running technique workshops are “designed to help identify and correct errors in your running technique that can put extra stress on areas such as knees, backs and shins.” They say, “every step with poor technique takes you closer to your next injury.” Adam walked us through (well, ran us through) the 7 steps of the method. First he video taped us running. [Man, is it hard to “just run naturally” when someone is taping you – right?!]  Then we went through the 7 items which I believe are: posture, lean, cadence, chin position, knee lift/return, arm swing and stride length. I know I have issues with chin, stride length and arm swing, but I thought the rest of my running was pretty good these days. I learned that my posture, lean and cadence are good, but everything else could use some work. We did drills at each step and had a lot of laughs, too, because that is how we roll.

Adam and his pupils practice Enhance Running techniques
Adam and his pupils practice Enhance Running techniques

Adam was gracious enough to hold a second freebie session with me, Stacy, Maggie and Don a few weeks later to spread the word and test the progress I had made. Well, the progress I made was limited – especially when being filmed. That said, I have been more cognizant of my form and have worked on my chin position and arm swing during my runs and races.

All of this talk of refining or even changing form got me wondering… “Is it possible to change your running form? And should I try? I did what all good bloggers do. I asked all of my FB running/fitness groups to weigh in. I got 20+ replies in a short period of time. The majority of respondents said a strong YES – many in all caps. The core themes of the replies were:

  • Yes, but start slow and don’t try to change everything at once.
  • Focusing on biomechanics can help to improve form and reduce injuries/help with chronic injuries.
  • It takes practice, more practice, and focus.
  • Consciousness and repetition are key – a few people said this takes some of the fun out of running and I tend to agree! But change is hard!
  • Many people mentioned switching to barefoot or zero gravity shoes helping to make changes (and that this also needed to be done slowly.)

There were no real dissenters that changing form is not possible, but there is also the “if it ain’t broken, don’t fix it” mind set. Many respondents said, if you are experiencing chronic injuries, or have been having a specific injury, it is worth looking at slight changes to your form; if you have no issues, it may not be necessary to try to change. For the most part, I am in this camp, but I did like the notion of learning this method and then trying to tackle my worst offenders one at a time. I have also been practicing one element at a time on long runs to make the time pass. I believe in small changes and awareness is the first step of the game. Don and I both agreed that 7 things to focus on at one time gives a bit of overload. I think this method might benefit from additional sessions that break the changes into segments or a 7 week program that focuses drills on one area each week.

Adam’s ENHANCE Running workshop is 90 minutes long. He takes video of each runner at the beginning and end and will provide the course slides, drills and videos on a memory stick for practice and follow up. The workshop cost with the memory stick is $80/per runner. He plans to hold sessions on Wednesday evenings and Saturday afternoons starting the week of September 25th or upon request. Adam knows his stuff about biomechanics and the ENHANCE Running method gives a lot of food for thought! Want to learn more? Contact Adam at He also does gait analysis and assesses runners biomechanics. Not in Chicago, check ENHANCE Running for workouts near you.

Have you tried any form changes or workshops like this? Did you see an improvement?

Please note: I participated in the Enhance Running workshops for review at no cost. I was not compensated for this post and all opinions are my own.

teach to runMark from Teach to Run asked me to review his “Ultimate 5k Training Plan.” Teach to Run is a website for beginning runners who “want to quickly improve their running by learning from the best coaches and runners in the world“.  It helps runners looking to learn the basics, how to improve performance for beginners, how to select running shoes, how to run faster, when to eat, what to eat, how to prepare for races and more.  One on one coaching is available, too.  They offer a number of resources to get started on their resource page.

Mark sent me the Ultimate 5k Training Plan for those trying to break 20 minutes. I have been trying to break 20 minutes in the 5k for my entire adult life. I did it in high school several times. My best was 20:22 in 2005. I did 20:55 on a course that was 3.2 miles that same year. Close but no cigar as they say. In fairness, I have not actually trained to run a 5k. I have been focused on longer races like half marathons and marathons for the 15+ years.

The plan includes:

  • FAQs for beginning runners
  • Explanation of paces for workouts
  • Injury prevention tips
  • A 12 week plan based on your goal time
  • Worksheets for goal setting and tracking

The plans are currently on sale for $29.99. If your goal time is not listed, Mark will create one tailored to your needs. Mark also offers supplemental advice and additional coaching services. His blog and website have some great information, too.

Full disclosure, I did not follow the 12 week plan as I am currently training for the NYC Marathon. That said, I think this is a great resource for newer runner who are targeting specific 5k PRs. It would be especially useful to those people who have limited exposure to formalized training programs. Looking at the specific workouts, I agree with the types of speed work and number of workouts – especially toward the race day. I really like the fact that Mark is available for questions via the internet.  To learn more, go to Teach to Run or Ultimate 5k Training Plan.

Please note: Teach to Run sent me their plan for review at no cost. I was not compensated for this post and all opinions are my own.

Following the theme, here are some running, health and fitness deals:

  • Save $15 on the Chicago Half Marathon on 9/8 or $5 on the 5K. Use code MKTACT2CHI13 to save $15 on the half marathon or code MKTACTCHI5K to save $5 on the 5K.
  • Lifebooker Loot has great deals on health, beauty, spa, fitness and more in major metros including Chicago, Los Angeles, Atlanta, Boston, Seattle, DC, NYC and more! If you use their app (sign up online and then use your credentials in the app) get an additional 20% off with the code APPONLY.
  • 15% off and free shipping on all orders thru 9/15 with code FALL15.
  • Check out great cash back deals on your favorite outdoor retailers from Active Junky: (12% back), The Clymb (8% back), REI (5% back), Altrec (6% back) and many more!
  • Get 15% off on Mizuno outlet orders with code MIZUNO15 or free shipping on orders over $75 at Mizuno USA with code SHIP75
  • Check out the Brooks end of summer sale – great prices!
  • Gilt City (new customers get an extra 25% off if you sign up with that link) has great deals on all kinds of things including health and fitness stuff in national and major metros! Check out FREE yoga at Exhale Spas throughout the country on September 19th to celebrate Namas-day.
  • Get your first month of Bulubox, a subscription box for athletes, free with code FIRSTONUS.
  • If you are an American Express Membership Rewards member, save 30% on Amex Gift Cards with points and on many vendors at Shop Amex through 9/30!
  • Get 20% off on activewear from Ellie.
  • Not fitness related but a great holiday prep deal, get an $80 voucher at Organic Bouquet for only $35 for use in the next 12 months.

That’s all I have today! Have you tried anything to improve your running and fitness lately? or gotten any good deals?

PS. Don’t forget to check out our Honey’s Runners raffle to support the American Cancer Society. Only $5 to enter, 100% match to $2500 and GREAT prizes still available (2 winners per week). Also, don’t forget to enter my Wild Ophelia chocolate giveaway! - new customer offer