I have always wanted to start a post (or anything) with “I would like to thank the Academy”… well, not really! I would like to thank Molly from Doughing Rogue for nominating me for a Liebster Award (and for the kick-butt quinoa bake recipe she had in the same post and for many other good things!)
What is a Liebster Award? A Liebster award is given to blogs with less than 300 followers as a way of making them more well-known. The rules for the acceptance are:
1) Visit and thank the blogger who nominated you
2) Acknowledge that blogger on your blog and link back
3) Answer the 10 questions posed by the blogger who nominated you
4) Select 3 – 5 bloggers for the award
5) Pose 10 new questions to the new nominees
6) Post the award on your blog
Here are my questions and answers from Molly:
1) Why did you start blogging?
I started out by blogging deals and finds in Chicago and nationwide. I was constantly bombarding sending friends and family links to deals, apps and websites so I figured I could do something a bit more constructive with a blog (and stop risking becoming stuck in everyone’s spam folder!)
2) What is your absolute favorite blog to read?
This is a hard one. I am bad with favorites…of anything. I have many many strong likes. I like many blogs and probably would spend all day reading them if I could. I guess a favorite is Mile Markers from Kristen Armstrong and some by friends like C’est La Vie, Doughing Rogue, Vegetarian Tourist and Out Went the Light (because I can relate to them as I know the authors well.)
3) Favorite memory from childhood?
Wow. I have to think about this one. I have many favorite stories from growing up. Most of them involve some sort of embarrassing moment. Many involve my dad… I loved loved loved sleep away summer camp in the 6th and 7th grades and many fun times I spent with Liz and the Kaufman family (2 of whom I am proud to say are followers of this blog! Nothing beats old friends!) I also had so many fun times with my track/X-C teammates and Murph (singing Rainbow Connection in many funny places and dancing to Word-Up come to mind.) Sorry you asked?
4) Favorite movie?
Princess Bride. No question. The only movie I can quote from!
5) You can only eat one food for the rest of your life. What is it?
Is this a trick question? Butternut squash – obviously!
6) What is the last book you read?
City of Thieves by David Benioff. I recommend it.
7) Dessert island. What 3 things would you bring?
Freudian Slip, Mol? Dessert island? Chocolate, biscotti and cookies! Desert Island – Assuming there is water and food…my iPhone (w/a signal :)) with a never ending podcasts and tunes, running shoes and Neal.
8) What is your dream job?
Blogger, but at my current “real person job” salary!
9) Magazine test: which one do you pick up in a waiting room?
Another trick question? People – obviously – because my guilty pleasure delivery at home is Us Weekly! (WOW THAT MAKES ME LOOK BAD! But it’s true. I also get the New Yorker. Life is strange.)
10) If you could meet anyone from history, who would it be?
This one is always a stumper. So many to choose from. Maybe Eleanor Roosevelt, but I am sure there are better choices.
Now for my nominations… The envelope, please…
> Out Went the Light – a very humorous look at the life of a well educated, intellectual stay at home mom
> Vegetarian Tourist – awesome food finds in the US and abroad one city and restaurant/food item at a time
> Anthologie – musings on family, living and fun (and style – Amy’s got it!)
> My Life’s List– an account of Cary’s goals and achievements that is sometimes funny and sometimes serious, but is always inspiring and fun to follow!
And my questions:
1. What was your first blog post about and why?
2. When I am not blogging, I like to___________.
3. What do you want to be when you grow up? or if you are already doing it, what do you do?
4. What are your 3 go-to websites that you visit every day?
5. If I put your ipod on shuffle, what would I likely hear?
6. Fiction or non-fiction?
7. Salty or sweet?
8. If I could visit any place in the world this year, it would be ____________
9. (and as a build to number 8) and I would take _______________
10. What should I look forward to reading about on your blog this year?
Thank you again to Molly for nominating me (and inviting me to the “Dessert Island” – I hope she brings my favorite gingerbread cookies!)