Friday Five: 5 “Faves” That Are Not “My Jam”

It’s Friday, so I’m linking up with Courtney at Eat, Pray, Run DC, Cynthia at You Signed Up for What and Mar at Mar on the Run. Each week they pick a theme and bloggers join in and link up. This year instead of specific themes, they’re letting us be creative with broad themes for each week of the month. This is a “favorites” themed week. I’ve been driving all over Kansas this week. I had plenty of time to come up with Kansas and driving related faves, but they’d likely put you to sleep.


I was inspired by this post from Carlee on Facebook. I’m doing a “not my favorites” post a/k/a Five “Faves” That Are Not “My Jam.” I will say for the record that this may open me to some ridicule, but heck, I have to keep it real.

Five “Faves” That Are Not “My Jam”


1. Pumpkin Spice Lattes – Well, any flavored lattes or fancy Starbucks drinks. Just give me COFFEE (with a splash of almond milk and cinnamon.) I do like how excited other people get about PSLs. And, I love fall, so there’s that!


2. Beer – I know, I know. Some people may stop following my blog for this one. I never developed a taste for beer. There I said it. I know that many people pretty much run for beer. Enjoy your beer… and give me a glass of wine, please!


3. Will Ferrell Movies – The Husband and my BFF have spent many hours discussing my sense of humor (or lack there of.) It was a good thing that The Husband and I were already married when I tried to watch Old School. He may have changed his mind after that. I don’t find this genre of movies to be funny. I find them to be cringe-worthy – especially Old School.

Destination: Halloween at Value Village (CNW Group/Value Village)

4. Wearing Costumes – I’ve always hated dressing up in costumes. This is amplified by the idea of running in a costume. I don’t like dressing up. I always say that it’s because I always had lame costumes as a kid. I can’t really say exactly why, but I don’t like wearing costumes – especially while running.


5. Disney Races – Well, I’ve never actually done a Disney race and I know people love them, BUT… the idea of paying a ton of money to run around/near a Disney park surrounded by people in costumes stopping to take photos with characters… well. It’s not for me. And don’t get me started on the medals upon medals that you get. That’s another fave that’s not my jam. I don’t get the deal with wanting #allthemedals. I have no where to put them!

So, there you have it. Do you think any less of me? What are some popular faves that are not your jam? Please leave them in the comments so I feel like less of a freak!

Have a great weekend!

PS. Don’t forget my great giveaways!