Friday Finds: 5 Ways to Feel Better This Fall

On this anniversary of the attacks on September 11th, I remember the people who were lost, especially our friend, Matt Leonard who was the kindest lawyer you could ever meet. Never forget.

It’s Friday, so I am linking up with Courtney at Eat, Pray, Run DC, Cynthia at You Signed Up for What and Mar at Mar on the Run for their weekly linkup. Each Friday, they host a link up — a “Friday Five.” This week is a free week. We can write about anything we want. I decided to write “5 Ways to Feel Better This Fall.”


1. Connect by Disconnecting. Put down the phone and unplug from everything for a while and re-connect with the people you care about. Unless of course, the loved ones are far away, then pick up the phone and put away all other distractions and focus on what your loved ones are saying. I noticed that when we were in Colombia and were out and about without our devices (except cameras), we were all so present. It was really nice. I am as bad as anyone for multi-tasking and being distracted. This is a big goal for me this fall.

2. Get Outside and Enjoy the Fresh Air. When the humidity lifts, get out and enjoy the crisp fall air. Take a hike, pick some apples and get extra points if you do this with a friend or family member. Go for a run. Run with a friend. Clear your mind. Nothing makes me happier than the feeling of a run on a crisp, fall day.

3. Eat Local and In Season. The farmer’s market in fall is one of my favorite places. I love all of the yummy fall vegetables. I roast so many root vegetables in fall, I may turn into one. I may over do it, but check out 5 Reasons You Should Eat What’s In Season from MindBodyGreen. Last year, I focused on eating as much whole food as possible and felt great for the marathon in November. Note to self: Fall is here. Do it again!

4. Simplify Your Life – Try a “Fall” Cleaning. I know, I know, spring is the season known for cleaning. However, de-cluttering and getting organized is always a good thing.  I wrote a post on this in 2012. I need to get a clothing/household goods/blog swag swap planned to get rid of my extras and to get some of the extra stuff in my life to folks who need it via Zealous Good. Who is with me?

5. Give Back. Volunteer, help a friend, help a stranger, do good and pay it forward. Why? Doing small (and large) acts of kindness is proven to make you happier. Check out this article from Happify for the science! I am doing some great races with great causes and Fitfest, but I also want to try be kinder and help more. Want to get in on the fun? You can check out Women’s Health Run10Feed10 which feeds 10 people for each runner and get $5 off your entry fee with code R10F10PR.

What are you doing this fall to feel better? Please let me know in the comments.

Have a great weekend, friends!

PS. Don’t forget my great giveaways and the Wednesday Giveaway Round Up!