Thought Provoker from Daily Zen List (+ My Two Cents)

Don sent me a note that said that this “Daily Zen List” was “blog-worthy.” I trust Don, so I checked it out. I agree but I feel that this list requires a bit of preface. The author is being sarcastic. I LOVE the sarcastic. That said, it doesn’t always translates as well in the written media. This may be why those of you who only know me here on the blog may think I am all sunshine and unicorns. I think of the sarcastic things to tell you, I just normally keep them to myself. I am from NJ people. Think about it. So, with that said, the original post plus my two cents:

How   ×Proofread

Daily Zen List – 8/11 by Johnny Webber
How to Avoid Getting the Most Out of Life

1. Get a boring, nine-to-five job. Don’t bother trying to start your own business because it will fail. Side projects are too much work. Stick to the job you know. Better to be safe than sorry.
2. Live paycheck to paycheck. You never get sick. Emergencies don’t happen. Retirement is a thing of the past. Plus, you definitely need that new phone upgrade.
3. Fall in love with the first person to give you attention. It’s better to be in a bad relationship than to be alone. You might not be perfect for each other now, but things will get better. People always change.
4. Avoid meeting new people. People are weird. Companionship is overrated.
5. Live vicariously through your couch. Why leave your living room when your television has all the entertainment you could possibly need? These fictional people live far more interesting lives than you could ever live.
6. Avoid risk. Do what makes you comfortable. Stick to your routine. You don’t have the money to take any chances right now. Don’t travel; new places are scary.

I came up with some valuable additions to this list:

7. Do the same thing over and over and expect different results. This applies to relationships, diet, exercise… everything.

8. Ignore your elders or people who have more experience than you at work or in life. What do they know? Their mistakes are not going to be your mistakes, right?

9. Try to impress people who show little interest in you and ignore the people who seem to care. The latter will always be there if you change your mind.

10. Do what others’ expect of you at all times. Don’t challenge the way things are done. They are done that way for a reason – right?

Don’t forget, sometimes you need to turn things on their head or challenge the status quo. And, to put a postitive spin on this. Want to get the most out of your life? Explore opportunities, save for a rainy day, choose wisely, meet new people, get out there and live, take risks, try a new way, benefit from others’ experiences, pay attention to the people who pay attention to you and challenge the status quo!

How to Get the Most Out of Your Life (1)

What other ways can you avoid getting the most out of life? or even better, how can you get the MOST out of life?

PS. Don’t forget my great giveaways.