Currently… stealing this idea from Marcia and other bloggers. A post on things of the moment for me (#4).

State of things: I finished my 100 Happy Days challenge and I am trying to keep looking for and capturing the little things that make me smile every day. I think this challenge made for a happier summer and I am still riding the high. You should try it! A little sunshine, a lot of running and fun has not hurt anything either.
Books: I found an awesome site for e-book deals from Harper Collins. Book Perk offers $1.99 deals for e-book versions of books by writers you know (think Wally Lamb) and writers you don’t. I loved Miss Me When I’m Gone by Emily Arsenault so I downloaded her new book What Strange Creatures. I also read We are Water by Wally Lamb (very good), finally got to Where did you go, Bernadette by Maria Semple (LOVED IT!) and my two guilty pleasure mysteries from Book Perk by Kristi Belcamino: Blessed are the Dead and Blessed are the Meek. I read these out of order but loved them and the characters. Mystery books are my TV! Have you read any “must-reads” lately?
Movies: I took Jody’s recommendation and saw Chef. Liv and I LOVED IT! So entertaining and fun. I recommend it. I also saw Boyhood. This film was made a few days a year for 12 years with the same actors including a boy whose character went from 5 years old to 18. It was awesome BUT so LONG! 2 hours and 40 minutes. I do recommend it highly though. I really want to see Zach Braff’s new movie Wish I Was Here. Have you seen anything good lately?
TV: Other than my Today Show treadmill obsession, I am not much for watching TV. We are watching season two of the Sopranos. Believe it or not, I have not seen it. I never saw a single episode until the husband started watching it. I am his New Jersey accent inerpreter. I love the Jersey-ness and time period (Y2K anyone?), but the violence is a bit much for me. Any Sopranos fans out there?

Run: July was a super fun running month! I did a progressive race and a ULTRA (recaps)!! Plus a 5K and a 10K (Athleta Esprit de She Ambassador). I also tried an AlterG treadmill and met Rita Jeptoo in the same day (recap)! I started August off right as a Zooma Chicago Women’s Half Marathon run ambassador. It was a beautiful morning for a run. My legs were pretty tired, but I did well and was the first Masters (over 40) female and won a sweeeeeet coffee mug! (Happy dance!)
Non-Run Workout: I have been LAZY about cross training. I did keep up the “Smart Workouts” on The J & J 7 Minute Workout and 5 – 15 minutes of workouts on Hot 5 Fitness which is about 30 – 45 minutes of strength workouts 3 or 4 times a week. I have a few more new workouts that I want to try… how about you?
Food/Drink: I found so many new awesome snacks via Undiscovered Kitchen. I am currently testing out raw, vegan, all natural, GF (delicious) snacks from TastyMakes (Get 15% off with code ericafinds), cricket flour (!) energy bars from Exo, Gather Bars, The Gilded Nut’s pistachios and more. My pantry over-runneth! Keep an eye out for more reviews and giveaways. I am also newly OBSESSED with Harvest Bay Dark Chocolate and Iced Coffee Coconut Water. SO DELICIOUS.
Excitement: I GOT A NEW JOB! I start on 8/11. It is full time, work from home and in Health IT for a fairly new company that makes software for employee benefits transparency and health care decision making. I am very excited. Don’t worry, I will still be blogging here. This is a great outlet for me. Please, wish me luck back in “the real world”!
Pet Peeve: I am still a wee bit peeved by bad biking etiquette in Chi-town. This edition’s peeve – bikers who go too fast on our bike/running path. I am especially peeved at the dude who took me out on my bike at Belmont and Lake Shore and the one who almost hit me in two spots during the Zooma Half Marathon. Seriously?
Wish(es): I hope that I can start sleeping better again. Insomnia blows!
What is keeping you busy these days? Please share in the comments!
PS. Don’t forget to enter my active giveaways. Good stuff including $50 Paypal cash from Frugaa!