Stay Healthy Travel Tips!


I always read natural food chef (and my fave healthy food cooking instructor) Amanda Skrip’s blog posts. I was extremely envious when she recently went on vacation to Turkey – definitely on my life’s list. I also think these are great tips to keep in mind whether you are traveling or not! With Amanda’s permission, I am posting her blog post with her top 4 travel tips with some additional resources below.

Amanda Skrip’s Top 4 Travel Tips

snacks1. Plan Ahead: This is a key tip that is important for everyday healthy living, but becomes all the more important when traveling. Whether you have a long car ride or plane travel, its key to have a few healthy snacks available. After all, you never know what options will be available when driving a long stretch of country road or are stuck at the airport for longer than anticipated.

Be sure to choose something that will hold up well. Nutrition bars, nuts, trail mix, and granola are all great options.
A few of my favorites: 22 Days makes great Superfood Bars (I love the PB + Chocolate Chip Nirvana), MARK BARS are packed with whole food nutrition, Navitas Naturals power snack mix is another favorite, and you can’t go wrong with raw almonds or cashews.

Beyond snacks, use your trip as an opportunity to clean out your refrigerator and pantry. Get rid of anything that has been lurking on a back shelf too long or any foods that have overstayed their welcome. Stock up with frozen fruits and vegetables to have on hand for when you return home and don’t have a chance to grocery shop. [This “sub-tip” is one of my favorites!]

yogieats 0102. Bring Insurance: Nope, not travel insurance, but ‘health’ insurance in the form of vitamins and supplements. You will most likely be off of your usual routine, and nutrient-dense foods may make a rare appearance. Not to mention all the germs floating around airplanes and rest stop bathrooms… With that being said, vitamins and supplements become all the more important. Consider bringing a food-based multivitamin to balance out any gaps in your diet. If vegetables and leafy greens won’t be readily available, you may also want to consider green supplements in the form of powdered greens (I like Green Vibrance) or chewable chlorella tablets.

It is also common for digestive systems to get a little mixed up when away. I always travel with a probiotic to help stay on track and give my digestive system a boost. While you usually need to keep them in the refrigerator, they will last for about two weeks at room temperature when traveling. Triphala, an ayurvedic herb, is also good for cleansing the body and staying regular.

And last but not least: if you have a low or weakened immunity, or are concerned about drinking the water or eating the produce at your destination, consider bringing liquid grapefruit seed extract. You can put a few drops on the skin of fruit or vegetables or take a daily dose in water. I also like NutriBiotic’s ‘Defense Plus’ that has grapefruit seed extract, Echinacea, vitamin C (and a bunch of other good stuff) to keep you strong and healthy for your whole trip. After all, there is nothing worse than being sick on vacation!

run beacj3. Stay Active: Sure, it’s nice to relax, but be sure to make some time for physical activity! Walking is a great way to familiarize yourself with a new city. If you’re in a scenic location, hike or rent bikes to enjoy some fresh air and beautiful views.

One of the hotels I stayed at in Turkey offered complimentary yoga classes to guests. Check out to see if somewhere you’re staying has similar opportunities – and take advantage of them! It’s also worth checking out local fitness studios to try a class that is not available in your home town.

And if you are in a location on the water: go for a brisk swim or take a long run or walk on the beach.

med meal4. Practice Moderation: If you’re like me, eating is a highlight of your vacation. I love choosing restaurants well before I leave on the trip and planning out what local dishes I can’t wait to try. With that being said, be sure to still keep things in moderation! It can be common to feel the need to ‘let loose’ early on in the vacation and indulge in your every sugary whim. Remember, that the sweets (or whatever else strikes your fancy) will still be there tomorrow. Sharing desserts or ‘indulgent’ menu items is a great way to get a taste without overdoing it.

Since eating can be an ‘activity’ when traveling, be sure to tune into whether you are eating because you are truly hungry – or just because its something to do. Keep this in mind before ordering, and eat just until you’re satisfied – without being stuffed. It’s also a good practice to think about what you are really hungry for. Will a salad or soup satisfy you? Or are you craving meat to nourish yourself? Listening to your body will prevent overeating and leave you feeling satiated.

Like what you see, check out Amanda’s website with her services, upcoming classes and blog! You can also sign up for her newsletter HERE.

Here are some other great links on active and healthy travel:

I have been made fun of for my excessive packing of snacks and exercise clothes, but I stand by both as the secret to my travel successes! What are some of the tips you swear by when traveling? 

Don’t forget to check out my blogiversary giveaway and daily Facebook giveaways this week! Have a great day!