21 Day Compliment Challenge! Let’s Do This!


Because of Valentine’s Day, February tends to be a month where people talk about love. I saw a lot of great reminders and posts about remembering to love yourself and be more positive. Thank you, Revolutionary Act and many others!

On Valentine’s Day, I saw a great post on the Chicago Athletic Clubs blog from trainer Stacy Lindstedt which was about a post she saw on FB. So here is a meta-blog entry for you!

“Today, I saw a Facebook post that really hit home, and I felt I should share it with the CAC community.

It was from a personal trainer in LA (Nick Harder) who recently finished a little challenge that he had heard about from a very well known leader in training and self development. Here it is:

21 day self compliment challenge.

The rules are:
1. You have to write down 3 compliments about yourself each day for 21 days.
2. There can’t be any repeats and it had to be 21 days in a row.

The first couple of days were easy for him. But by day 3, he started to struggle. It makes you look at yourself on a different level. YOU have to dig deep and be honest! He did his every night before bed and threw his compliments on a notebook by his nightstand.

At the end of the day, it helped him go to sleep on a positive note, with now……63 positive things about himself written down to look at as a reminder of how awesome he is.

Valentine’s Day is about love: you have to love yourself before you love others!!!!! So often people complain, blame, and justify. I always ask people, “What’s new and good?” instead of “How are you?”. If you ask one over the other, I bet you’ll get your friends, coworkers, and family to share with you some AWESOME THINGS!

I’m starting this Valentine’s Challenge today! Why don’t you step outside your comfort zone and do the same? This is where breakthroughs occur. 3 compliments a day, no repeats. Write them down and explore your good side. Thank you Nick Harder.”

And thank you, Stacy Lindstedt!

Today, I will start this 21 Self Compliment Love Challenge, too. It is fitting because I am in Austin, TX for my second race of the year- the Austin Half Marathon. Damn it’s hilly here, so here goes for my first affirmations to battle the negative self talk that I am so easily trapped by!

1. I am tough and I never quit.
2. I am stronger than these hills!
3. I work hard and take care of myself, so I can run strong!

Who is with me? There are definitely 63 great things about you that you should be focused on. Right?

OK – that’s all for now! Have a Sunday and don’t forget to “like” my page on Facebook for a chance to win some Tees for Change or Smart Wool gloves – check out rules and leave a comment HERE .

PS. Had a great run. Best time since 2007. Those affirmations were my mantras and they worked! My ladies (and gent) rocked it, too! Yay!