Happy New Year! Lucky ’13

I set a bunch of goals for the year on my birthday and I stink at keeping New Year’s Resolutions, so I am not making any! Well, I will resolve to try to improve and grow this blog and connect you to even more cool finds. That is an easy one because I really enjoy writing it. Hopefully a win-win for me and you!

In the spirit of finding cool things, check out a few good resolution finds to start the year!

I loved Refinery 29’s 12 Step Program for an Awesome 2013: (Check out the post for execution steps!)
1. Take your vacation days
2. Get your culture fix
3. Make time for the girls (or guys as the case may be)
4. Give toxins the boot
5. Get thee to the gym (and keep going all year!)
6. Treat yo’ self
7. Whip your wardrobe into shape
8. Put your best face forward
9. Clean your room!
10. Get outside your comfort zone
11. Control your destiny
12. Spread the love (volunteer, help a friend, give back – YAY!)

Here are two cool things I liked from Tumblr (and Shona’s FB!):
cool ny day stuff

I liked this idea on 30 Handmade Days: Instead of her normal resolutions, she tried to think out of the box a little more. Here’s how she broke it up:
One Word: Focus your year by picking one word. Started a few years ago and has taken the blog world by storm. Her new word for 2013 is simple: joy.
WANT: These are things you desperately want for the year 2013. Not necessarily physical things.
NEED: A few goals for what you REALLY need.
SHARE: Some things that you can share with others. Your time, your talents, some kind of service.
SUCCEED: This category is for concrete goals. Example: Complete a marathon. Read 50 books. Finish your master bedroom. Whatever you decide is true success.

Great idea!

I also saw a good story on the Today show this morning about making and keeping resolutions from Changeology author John Norcross.

Norcross CHANGEOLOGY jacket.grid-4x2

Change·o·lo·gy \chanj-o-le-je\ n.
1: The scientific study of behavior change. 2: A widely hailed self-help book authored by clinical psychologist John Norcross. 3: Your research-supported guide to meaningful self-change in 90 days. He proposes the 5 Ps:

> Psych
> Prep
> Perspire
> Persevere
> Persist

The book is based on years of research. Seems worth a look. You can get it HERE. (Or if one of your resolutions is to spend less and have less possessions, check the local library!)

commitment dayI am also running the Commitment Day 5k – it is expected to be <20 degrees out - maybe I should be committed! Check out the website for great articles and resources for making healthy lifestyle changes and Runner’s World’s “Month-by-Month Guide to a Fitter Faster You.”

And… just in case you need it… from Mind Body Green “9 Tips for a Happy Hangover!

Happy 2013! May it be a lucky one for all! What are your resolutions? How can I help you keep them??